Come Follow Me lesson this past week focused on the experience of Moses speaking to God on a holy mountain. As I reflected on the importance of that interaction and the words that God tells to Moses "And, behold, thou art my son;" (Moses 1:4). God gave him confidence in the great work Moses was to do. And then after the experience Moses was left completely exhausted after having to bear the glory of God and he thought to himself "Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing" (Moses 1:10).
As I reflected on these truths in Sunday School today, I thought of daily interactions I have with others in my own life. At work, many people come to me with concerns and seeking answers. Many times the answer is "you are getting old and things are wearing out." Many express denial and disdain to this unsavory news.
God has given us each talents and abilities to include our body, our mind, our vitality, our eagerness, our likes and dislikes. We can accomplish many things and help many others with these talents. It might bring us great joy and personal satisfaction to look at the things we have accomplished with our given talents or the respect and attention we may receive from others. But these things are fleeting unless we base our worth in the fact that we are a child of God and that all things will pass away. Our strength, our beauty, our minds will all fade away. But the fact remains that we are still a child of god and he values us regardless of our status in life.
I felt a personal challenge to try and help others see their own personal worth in my interactions with them and that age and time may diminish our abilities, but our worth never diminishes in the sight of God.